NCCU Library Facilities
Specialty bibliographic materials: the C.K.S. Library and Social Sciences Library at NCCU hold a rich and abundant collection of materials. At the current moment, there are more than 22,250 volumes of specialty materials pertaining to Religious Studies: these approximately 17,278 Chinese-languages volumes and 4972 volumes of Western-language materials furnish a rich body of resources for usage by GIRS faculty and students alike.
Periodicals: the NCCU library system holds a collection of 41 periodicals related to Religious Studies, among these are 20 Chinese-language periodicals and 21 Western-language periodicals. The aforementioned periodical collections furnish an invaluable body of resources for usage by GIRS students.
The GIRS Reading Room: our collection of materials and books donated by religious organizations and academic institutions has been placed in the GIRS Reading Room for convenient access by students.
Ministry of Science and Technology科技部(MOST) Subsidy for Acquisition of Bibliographical Resources: In 2006 the GIRS was granted an academic subsidy by the Ministry of Science and Technology科技部(MOST) in the amount of approximately 9 million N.T.D. Dollars; with this generous subsidy in hand, over the past few years the GIRS has endeavored to acquire books and specialty publications related to the study of religion. At the current moment the GIRS is actively engaged in the purchasing of such materials; NCCU aspires to become the richest institutional holder of bibliographical resources in the field of Religious Studies within R.O.C. Taiwan.
GIRS Academic Facilities: academic facilities under management by the GIRS for free usage comprise a total of 6 locations: the GIRS Administration Office, the GIRS Head Office, GIRS Reading Room, Faculty Center, as well as the Graduate Study-room and conference halls. The Faculty Center provides facilities with refrigerator, microwave, rice-cooker, and coffeemaker for free usage by faculty and students. The Graduate Study-room and GIRS Reading Room offer free space for individual study and research by faculty and students. The Graduate Study-room offers two computer consoles with table-top monitors and lockers for usage by graduate students. All in all, these ample facilities provide an ideal environment for faculty and students alike.