蔡源林*, 2024.08, 'The Predicament and Prospect of Inter-Religious Dialogue between East Asian Traditions and Islam— Remarks from a Casual Exchange of Ideas between Liu Shuxian and Seyyed Hossein Nasr, ' 2023 Parliament of the World's Religions, Parliament of the World's Religions.(*為通訊作者)
蔡源林*, 2018.06, 'The Transition of Religious Authority in the Contemporary New Religions of Taiwan--Weixin Shengjiao as a Major Example, ' 2018 CESNUR Conference, CESNUR.(*為通訊作者)
蔡源林*, 2016.07, 'A Theoretical Reflection on the NRMs in the Taiwanese Context, ' the 2016 CESNUR Conference, Center for Studies on New Religions.(*為通訊作者)
蔡源林*, 2016.04, 'Hajj and the Transformation of Chinese Muslim Identity in the Republican Era (1911-1949)-Islamic Ummah vs. Chinese Nation, ' International Conference on New Religious Nationalism in Chinese Societies, International Institute for Asian Studies.(*為通訊作者)
蔡源林, 2008.09, 'The Confucian Version of Shari’ah or the Muslim Version of Li -Ritual?, ' WCAAS 2008 Annual Meeting, University of Colorado at Boulder. Ref.
蔡源林, 2007.11, 'The Construction of Islamic ‘Mind-Nature’(Xin-Xing) Philosophy in Liu Zhi’s Tianfang Xingli- a Creative Dialogue between Neo-Sufism and Neo- Confucianism, ' AAR 2007 Annual Meeting, AAR.
蔡源林, 2007.09, ' Islamization and the Trajectory of post-Colonialism in Contemporary Malaysia, ' ”East Asian Perspectives on Southeast Asia: Taiwan and Japan in Focus”國際研討會, 中央研究院亞太區域研究專題中心.
蔡源林, 2007, '2007b,” Islamization and the Trajectory of post-Colonialism in Contemporary Malaysia,” 台北:中央研究院亞太區域研究專題中心,”East Asian Perspectives on Southeast Asia: Taiwan and Japan in Focus”國際研討會。, ' ”East Asian Perspectives on Southeast Asia: Taiwan and Japan in Focus”國際研討會.(”East Asian Perspectives on Southeast Asia: Taiwan and Japa)
蔡源林, 2007, '2007c,“The Construction of Islamic ‘Mind-Nature’(Xin-Xing) Philosophy in Liu Zhi’s Tianfang Xingli- a Creative Dialogue between Neo-Sufism and Neo- Confucianism,” San Diego: AAR 2007 Annual Meeting., ' AAR 2007 Annual Meeting.(AAR 2007 Annual Meeting)
蔡源林, 2005, ' The Malaysian Chinese Discourse of Islam Law in 1980s~1990s-- A Study on the Politics of Cultural Identity, ' New Frontiers of Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies 國際研討會.
蔡源林, 2004, 'Sufism in Wang Dai-yu''s San-yi (the Threefold of Oneness) Theory – the Advent of a Chinese Muslim Syncretism, ' AAR 2004 Annual Meeting..
蔡源林, 2004, 'Islam and the Reconstruction of Communalism in Contemporary Malaysia – Regarding Debates on the Shari ` a Reform in 1989-91, ' the IAHA 18th Conference..
蔡源林, 2000, 'Modernization, Secularization and Religious Revival: a Comparison between Taiwan and Malaysia, ' Malaysia : 16 th IAHA Annual Meeting..
蔡源林, 2000, 'The Social-Political Formation of the Religious Revival in Modern Asia : a Comparison Between Taiwan and Malaysia, ' Ca.: WCAAS 2000 Annual Meeting..
蔡源林, 2020.02, 'Confucian Li-Rites and Muslim Shariah: Comparative Discourses in the Traditional Chinese Ulama, ' Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions, Vol. II: Intellectual History of Key Concepts, De Gruyter, pp.11-33.
蔡源林, 2007, '2007a,”The Malaysian Chinese Discourse of Islam: a Study of the Politics of Cultural Identity”, in Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, ed., The Frontiers of Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies, Taipei: the Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, RCHS, '.
蔡源林, 2006.12, 'The Malaysian Chinese Discourse of Islam: a Study of the Politics of Cultural Identity, ' The Frontiers of Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies, the Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies.