First, GIRS endeavors to strengthen ties with other overseas institutes dedicated to the academic study of religion, and to further the opportunities for international academic exchange between students and faculty.
Secondary, in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the R.O.C. Ministry of Education, the GIRS endeavors to enlist eminent scholars from R.O.C. Taiwan as well as from overseas to hold lectures or short-term seminars.
Thirdly, with the broader aspirations of fostering an ideal environment for the academic study of religion, the GIRS endeavors to actively invest in academic resources and to provide generous fellowships for incoming students.
Fourthly, the GIRS intends to remain especially attuned to the development of religious institutions in R.O.C. Taiwan, and with the perspective furnished by the academic field of Religious Studies, the GIRS endeavors to share its educational resources and research findings with the general public at large.